“Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God that He has given to you.” Deuteronomy 16:17

We so appreciate the support of our friends, either by placing offerings in the plate, mailing them to the office, or giving electronically. We use Vanco Mobile which offers automatic giving which you choose or one-time giving on their app.
Vanco Online is a customizable eGiving and payment tool that provides a seamless checkout process for one-time or recurring donations. You can go online to our website and click on Vanco Online to give.
The Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement app can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play Store. It offers online giving tools for members to give and even set up automatic donations. It will also enable members and visitors to make payments for future church fundraisers.
Benefits for You:
Give from anywhere using a computer, tablet, or smartphone
No need to find a check or stop by the ATM
Use either your checking/savings account or your debit/credit card
Schedule gifts to occur automatically
Give to one or more funds at any time.
Benefits for our Church
Reduces administrative work allowing more time to focus on ministry
Helps streamline receivables
Increases stewardship by providing members and guests with easier ways to give
More regular and predictable giving makes planning easier.